Thursday, July 9, 2020

California trout dying, condors live (video)

Erika Martin (, July 9, 2020); Xochitl, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
"Condors" are the largest flying birds in the Western Hemisphere, California and Andean.
California condors return to Sequoia National Park for the 1st time in decades
The colorful head and face of the Cali condor
For the first time in at least three decades, California condors were spotted in Sequoia National Park, an area that was historically part of the endangered bird’s range, officials said Tuesday.

At least six of the majestic scavengers visited the park in late May, including four seen flying near the famed Giant Forest and at least two near Moro Rock, a geologic dome and popular hiking spot, the National Park and U.S. Fish and Wildlife services said in a joint statement.

An Andean condor circles
The biggest land bird in North America, California condors once inhabited the length of the Pacific Coast from Canada into Baja California ["Lower California," Mexico].

The birds disappeared from the wild by 1987 due to poaching, lead poisoning and habitat destruction, but a captive-breeding and release program has helped them resurge in their native habitat in recent years. More
One of many varieties of trout in California, the cutthroat, cousin of the rainbow.
The job sucks, but you're outdoors and active.

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