Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The most wanted woman in the world (video)

Tara Brown, Thea Dikeos; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ghislaine Maxwell, 2007 (wiki)
PEDO ISLAND, Little Saint James, US Virgin Islands - Billionaire blackmailer, child molester Jeffrey E. Epstein had many partners in crime, none more famous than rich socialite and fellow child molester Ghislaine Maxwell [\ghee-layn, ghi-lann, glen\].

Maxwell was Epstein's his wing woman and right hand woman. She was until recently "the most wanted woman in the world," on the lam hiding after Epstein's murder in jail to silence him because of his many famous co-conspirators:

Pres. Donald Trump, Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton, former Pres. Bill Clinton, attorney Alan Morton Dershowitz, British royal Prince Andrew, and many other influential men. The FBI claims to have caught up with Maxwell -- daughter of disgraced British media baron Robert Maxwell -- in a hideout in New Hampshire, USA.

Inside the wicked saga of Jeffrey Epstein: the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell
Two US presidents, sexual harassers, sex addicts, and pedophiles with dates on Pedo Island.
Epstein's got us by the balls, Billy goat. - I know.
There was little Donald Trump's New York billionaire Jeffrey Epstein wouldn’t do to satisfy his lust for young [blank] and underage girls.

It included spending millions of dollars masterminding a worldwide child sex-trafficking and blackmail operation to keep many powerful men implicated and quiet. Countless innocent lives of newly nubile victims were destroyed.

A year ago Jeff Epstein was arrested, and a month later he was strangled to death under mysterious circumstances in custody. Investigators, in an unusual move, refused to let this scandal go to the grave with him.

Video blackmail: I have these guys by the balls.
Instead they shifted their attention to his high-profile friends (like Pres. Trump, Bill and Hill Clinton, and Dershowitz), co-conspirators, and fellow sex criminals. One of them is the British queen’s stuttering son, Prince Andrew, who continues to stonewall requests from the FBI for an interview.

But late this week there was a significant breakthrough in the case with the arrest of socialite and fellow child molester Ghislaine Maxwell. She’s accused of being Jeff Epstein’s right-hand woman and has been charged with multiple child sex offences.

As Tara Brown reports, for the first time in a long time, the victims in this wicked saga are feeling relief rather than terror.

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