Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Pandemic on purpose: Is C-19 real? (audio)

Dr. Simone Gold (AmericasFrontlineDoctorSummit.com), George Noory (coasttocoastam.com, "Coronavirus Controversies," Aug. 10, 2020); Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Dr. Simone Gold (aflds.com) is a board-certified emergency room physician who earned her earned a juris doctorate from Stanford University Law School.

As part of America's Frontline Doctors, Dr. Gold condemned Twitter for censoring her account for sharing her expert medical opinion. She believes her free speech rights are being infringed on.

She spoke out about coronavirus and the use of hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment and preventive prophylactic. Deaths from COVID-19 are mainly seen by older patients with co-morbidities (other medical conditions).

Dr. Gold and the other frontline doctors say the lockdown and closures make no sense based on the medical data related to large population.

I want to see the science and studies (aflds.com)
"What does make rational sense," she says, "is being careful about nursing home and assisted living patients...and giving people access to a drug that works, which is hydroxychloroquine when paired with zinc."

Despite wide-scale reporting that hydroxychloroquine has not proven to be helpful for COVID-19 patients, Dr. Gold contends that the evidence is certain that this treatment (the Zelenko Protocol) works.

When hydroxychloroquine was found not to be effective in medical studies, it was because they [purposely] failed to pair it with zinc, or they gave it to people too late in the disease's progression, she explains.

Who is banning the free speech of doctors?
Dr. Gold is critical of social distancing and mask-wearing, claiming there was a "nefarious intent" behind making Americans live lives of fear.

In addition to zinc with hydroxychloroquine, which she prescribes for prevention, saying it can be taken once a week as a prophylactic, Dr. Gold recommends the anti-inflammatory health food supplements quercetin and melatonin, particularly for older patients. AUDIO or WATCH VIDEO

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