Saturday, August 15, 2020

Why Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris

Jim Earl, Mike "Joe Biden" MacRae, Jimmy Dore (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Senile Joe Biden picks attractive Black woman to hit on on the campaign trail, hoping to get lucky even if the country is put under the power of an unpopular, police-loving, prison-filling district attorney who failed miserably when she was trying to be a Democratic presidential candidate.

Horndog George Clooney had sex with accused "child molester" (Virginia Roberts) and "child sex trafficker" (FBI), who along with Jeffrey Epstein blackmailed many rich and influential men who wanted to have sex with kids. Here he jokes about it, hardly remembering the monster in a bathroom 20 years ago.

Jimmy Dore and his wife, the Miserable Liberal Steph, has a lot to say about the terrible state of corruption in Washington, DC and the orange idiot in the White House and creepy pervert trying to replace him with all the power of the DNC behind him. The DNC seems to be supporting the Republican ticket with this impoverished slate. Where's AOC, where's Bernie, where's Dennis Kucinich? They're all standing behind the party bosses calling the shots. Will Joe have a stroke before he assumes Obama's old seat? Wait and see. As for us, we're voting for future president Andrew Basiago.

"Russia Gate" is a myth. Trump wasn't lying; our side was. Well, Trump was lying about all sorts of things (he a pathological liar), but not about Rachel Maddow's w*t dream that Putin is behind our election woes and political problems. Here Nancy Pelosi keeps milking a dry cow. Few people exposed the myth like Jimmy Dore. Look it up.

Aaron Mate (Democracy Now!): FBI caught faking Russia-Gate docs

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