Friday, October 30, 2020

"Borat" makes not-so-funny comeback?

Sacha B. Cohen, Stephen Colbert (Late Show); Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Oct. 27, 2020) Sacha Baron Cohen offers up the story of what happened when Ali G duped and interviewed Donald Trump. 

"Borat" gives Colbert the true story about what happened during Ali G's interview with dumb Don Trump. Cohen's character "Ali G" and Trump both made a "career out of playing absurd buffoons." Sadly, "Borat 2" looks terrible, even worse than his last two films about a gay character and a developmentally disabled action star. Never mind. They are embarrassingly weak attempts at gross out humor compared to "Borat 1." Rather than lampooning American culture and hypocrisy, it's just half-baked ideas poorly acted. Maybe there's humor here, but not if the trailer is any indication. #Colbert #Borat2 #SachaBaronCohen

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