Saturday, December 5, 2020

Claire Edwards: COVID-19 Genocide (video)

Newfound Ground Media via Truth Videos 1984; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly
Whoever begs for a shot must be driven by fear and disinformation. Fear and delusion destroy.

This is a powerful warning by Claire Edwards about alarmists are exaggerating the 5G plandemic. Is it the coming 5G electronic enslavement of humanity or part of a larger plan to track, surveil, and control populations?

Sensitivity: Normal. Content tis suitable for ages 16 and over. Banned on normal channels but available on the last free speech out: BitChute. But BitChute needs your help! It has been deplatformed by large service providers and it is in the process of moving providers. If experiencing any issues, this is likely the cause. Please consider helping at this critical time.

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