Monday, December 7, 2020

Giant Afro makes Guinness record book

Ben Hooper (UPI, 12/3/20); Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Hey, honey, Simone! You know you can straighten your hair like us, right? (The Obamas)
Simone Williams knows cool hair care.
An American woman whose hair measures 8.07 inches high, 8.85 inches wide, and a staggering 4 feet, 10 inches in circumference was awarded a Guinness World Record for "the largest Afro hairstyle."

Simone Williams of Brooklyn, New York, said she was inspired by Aevin Dugas, the previous record holder for largest Afro.

With a perm, I could be biggest! (Rita Hayworth)
"She inspired me to make the attempt. I googled 'world's largest Afro,' and when she came up I was in awe," Williams recalls. "At the time, I didn't think my hair was anywhere close to hers. She has goals!

"But I was so happy to see that she was recognized and there was a chance for others to be recognized, too." Simone said she has only been growing her hair out naturally for about nine years. More

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