Friday, December 4, 2020

Insight: FREE online 3-day meditation retreat

Yesterday I received a message written by one of the world’s great epidemiologists, Dr. Larry Brilliant, urging InsightLA to “Please, please consider everything we do in light of how dangerous this pandemic is right now.”

He and other public health colleagues believe we are entering the most dangerous moments in our public health history. Yet, most people are sick and tired of staying home, of scrolling through alarmist news, facing the dread of losing work if not loved ones, wearing masks and, hardest of all, keeping distant from one another.

I’ve been reflecting on my first teacher’s emphasis on training. He called it hard training -- sustained periods of intensive mindful awareness practice.

Once, when I shared an insight I’d had in a moment of clarity, he said, “Attaining Enlightenment is very easy, but keeping Enlightenment is very difficult.” He was pointing to the need to show up for our life with presence, courage, and kindness again and again, to meet the inevitable waves of joys and sorrows wherever we are, moment to moment, as the true practice.

This is consistency, constancy. We need it in parenting, raising animals, in business, in the arts, in farming, in meditation -- and we need it now.

After so many months of isolating confinement or going out to do life-threatening jobs, many folx are lonely, angry, anxious, depressed, frustrated, and rebellious. So meditate with us FREE for three days instead: or

Love, Trudy Kornfield Goodman

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