Friday, December 25, 2020

Lecture on Happiness by English monk (video)

Ajahn Jayasaro via Keith, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

British Ajahn Jayasaro, Thailand
(Georgetown University Qatar, 4/10/13) Ajahn Jayasaro, who was born in England, studied under Ajahn Chah in Thailand. He became a novice Theravada Buddhist monk in 1979 and a fully ordained monastic in 1980. He served for five years as abbot of Wat Pa Nanachat, Ajahn Chah's International Forest Monastery in Northeast Thailand that provides traditional Thai forest tradition training in English to people from around the world. He has lived in a hermitage at the foot of the Kow Yai mountain range for the past decade. He is the author of many books on Buddhist theory and practice, a meditation teacher to lay Buddhists, and advisor to a growing movement to integrate Buddhism more effectively into the Thai education system. He gave this lecture at Georgetown University in Qatar on the topic of happiness.

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