Wednesday, December 2, 2020

System of a Down: "Protect the Land" (video)

System of a Down (SOAD); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The current corrupt regimes of Aliyev in Azerbaijan and Erdogan in Turkey not only want to claim Artsakh and Armenia as their own, but they are committing genocidal acts with impunity on humanity and wildlife to achieve their missions. They are banking on the world being too distracted [by the plandemic, The Trump Show, and a sinking economy] to point out their atrocities. System of a Down is here to protect their land, to protect their culture, and to protect their nation.

Two new tracks are available for purchase on the official Bandcamp page, where band proceeds go to the Armenia Fund. SOAD's full statement can be found there. The funds from Bandcamp and pre-orders of a new merch collection are being used to provide desperately needed aid and basic supplies for displaced civilians, young and old, who are affected by the hideous war crimes inflicted upon Artsakh by Azerbaijan and Turkey.
  • NOTE: If anyone takes the side of Turkey or Azerbaijan, like maybe the members of System of an Up or Anna Kasparian of The Young Turks, contact Wisdom Quarterly to publish your view. The editors do not take the side of one of our favorite bands (on this or the Armenian "Genocide" issue) just because they make great music. We do it because it's nearly impossible to get the other side that must exist. It's not black and white. "Fight war not wars!"
Directed by Ara Soudjian and Shavo Odadjian. Producer: Lara Aslanian. Director of Photography: Mko Malkhasyan. Armenia Unit Director: Armen Soudjian and Arnold Ghazarian. Co-Director: Arman Nshanian. Producers: Ani Vorkanyan and Edgar Karapetyan. Special thanks to Bars Media, CivilNet, Artsakh Public TV, Varante Soudjian, Apo Avedissian, Mher Petrosyan, Aram Production, Armen Aghaeian, Raffi Asatoorian, Anthony Catchadoorian, ANC Australia, Nyree Cooper, Asko Akopyan, and Ara Alejandro Kevorkian for contributing source footage and other assistance.

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