Monday, December 21, 2020

"Great" Conjunction? So what? Who cares?

AB; Family Guy; TubesPfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (ed.), OPINION, Wisdom Quarterly

Know what grinds my gears? Space stuff!
My girlfriend is so [silly]! She thinks we're all about to zap out of existence only to reappear on some celestial plane in the Deva World. Why? The Great Conjunction of course! She and her [hippie] friends talk like that, and it [really grinds my gears]. Stare at the moon, Moonchildren, to be moonstruck. But keep your feet on the ground.

Comedian Arj Barker, creator of the "Sickest Buddhist" video, on God

The Old World ruined the New World.
It's like that Harmonic Convergence that came to nothing. Then there was that time when 2012 rolled around and just kept going. The Maya never said the world would end, just that their great calendar would reset. Not the Aztec Calendar; that's different.

Mexico (Mesoamerica) has given us many great civilizations (not to be confused with the colonial mess left behind by invading Europeans from Spain and Portugal 500 years ago).

This will happen again in another 20 years, so big deal! Rube and Co. will drive to Joshua Tree to see the space spectacle after the sun sets (5:30 pm) by a fire. They'll chill and set up telescopes and be back in L.A. before midnight. How woo-woo can you get?

So what? Who cares? Only the strong survive

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