Monday, December 21, 2020

World Meditation: Solstice Great Conjunction

[Gaia Meditation, LIVE Dec. 21, 2020] ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒ This is a worldwide meditation. Lightworkers from all around the world are welcome to join this mass meditation. It is guided by ๐Ÿ—ฃ️ Stรฉphane Clรฉment.

Jupiter and Saturn will align so closely in the night sky, which is very rare, that they'll create a radiant point of light some are calling the "Solstice Star," the fabled "Star of Bethlehem," or the "Christmas Star." The event is officially referred to as "The Great Conjunction," marking our entrance into the Age of Aquarius. It's a specious claim to some and to others and obvious event that has been happening for a while now. Look around. This is what transition looks like. The cosmic conjunction occurs roughly every 20 years. But this is the closest these planets will line up in our night sky since the Middle Ages.

๐Ÿ•’ Monday, December 21st, 2020 at 7:00 pm UTC+1 (Paris time). The live guided meditation starts in Los Angeles at 10:00 am, New York at 1:00 pm, London at 6:00 pm, Paris at 7:00 pm, Tel Aviv 8:00 pm, New Delhi at 11:30 pm, and at Tokyo 3:00 am
  • Join the Gaia Meditation Community (Facebook):
  • ๐ŸŒ Let's embrace energies of the New Earth in our hearts and manifest a new paradigm together.
For as Gandhi said, [Let's] "be the change [we] wish to see in the world." This means that if we change our own vibration, we’re going to change our perception of reality and therefore we’re going to see it manifest in the physical world.

Today we’re observing that out of the "chaos" something orderly is emerging, a new vibration, a new energy. People are being forced to look inside instead of outside. LOVE is overtaking fear. The new paradigm emerging is being referred to as the "New Earth," like Eckhart Tolle was hinting at. The intentions for this guided meditation are to:
  • Embrace the energies of the New Earth in our hearts.
  • Be love and peace in our hearts so that they’ll manifest in the reality we experience.
  • Connect to everybody with the same intention, whether they engage in this meditation live or later or take up another meditation style, and so.
  • Connect to people with the same intention to raise the collective frequency of the planet.
  • The intention of thousands and millions of people is to connect together to amplify individual intention and speed up the collective shift into the new paradigm.
Remember, our spirit (breath, prana, chi, spiritus, lifeforce energy) exists beyond space and time. At a quantum level, there’s only this eternal present moment. Past, present, and future co-exist simultaneously. So if we make our intention to connect with people with the same intention, the same vibration as ours, we’ll instantaneously be connected, whether we do this meditation live or later.

One Planet (Earth), One Race (Human), One Love (Metta)

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