Friday, December 25, 2020

Xmas Meditation: Recollection of Peace (video)

Ven. Suddhaso (Buddhist Insights); Amber Larson, CC Liu, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Remember to join us at Buddhist Insights on New Year's Day for a great start to 2021.

In a number of sutras the Buddha mentions a meditation practice called the "Recollection of Peace" (upasamānussati). On this holiday occasion Bhante Suddhāso explains various ways of applying this meditative method and the benefits it brings.
What is the "recollection of the peace of nirvana"?
Ven. Nyanatiloka, Buddhist Dictionary, edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Nirvana is the highest peace and greatest bliss.
The Buddha answered that this recollection is the ultimate of the ten recollections or anussati: "O meditators, whatever there are of things, the highest of them is considered detachment (virāga), which is to say, the crushing of conceit, the stilling of thirst, the uprooting of clinging, the breaking free from the interminable Round of Rebirths, the cessation of craving, letting go, extinguishing, nirvana" (A.IV.34).

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