Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Biden inauguration (LIVE); bye-bye, Trump

LIVE: The presidential inauguration of Joey Biden and Kami Harris

Bilingual Jennifer J Lo Lopez sings to Biden.
(CNBC TV livestream, 1/20/21) Will Republican Trump thugs show up with guns and make trouble? Will a police state lockdown with thousands of troop in obedience to Democrats keep us safe and in need of liberty?

Joe Biden is set to become the nation’s 46th president today. He is slated to take the oath of office around 12:00 noon, which is when Donny Trump’s term as president ends. (CNBC Pro with commentary).

Armed thugs invade Washington, DC
Set against a backdrop of a locked-down Washington, D.C., and a socially distanced ceremony, Biden, in his inaugural address, is expected to begin his tenure with a lie -- a plea for national unity that backs him and his "back to status quo" plans as climate change, political, economic, and health care crises grip the nation.

Spared the gallows, Ex-VP Pence is present.
He will take over the presidency two weeks after a deadly pro-Trump riot at Capitol Hill and as deaths from Covid-19 are said to continue to "surge" in the language of a war-loving nation. What war will we wage against invisible and possibly imaginary germs?

Since the "pandemic" began early last year, the disease has killed more than 400,000 people in the United States. Child molestation, ritual Satanic torture, cannibalism (, all will represented as Lady Gaga sings the national anthem to Hillary Clinton and Bill, GW Bush, BS Obama, and free pizza for everyone (served underground to those in the know).

Kamala Harris will make history as the country’s first Black, female and South Asian vice president.

The first members of Biden’s Cabinet are slated to be sworn in over the next few days, as well, including Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary. Biden’s Democratic party, likewise, will assume a bare majority in the Senate after three new lawmakers – Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff of Georgia, and Alex Padilla of California – also take oaths of office.

Summary of Trump's time in office

(Late Night with Seth Meyers, Jan. 18, 2021) Pres. D. J. Trump is leaving behind a legacy of insurrection, corruption, and chaos: A Closer Look. Meyers takes a closer look at the damage President Trump will leave behind as we learn more about the insurrection he incited, his premeditated plan to steal the election and the Republican party’s complicity.

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