Thursday, January 21, 2021

Catholic jokes for Irish Joe Biden (video)

Many may say Biden is an inducted member of the Illuminati and a part of a PizzaGate cult, but his Muslim (according to Barry Obama's Kenyan brother) boss was happy to work with him.
Best CATHOLIC jokes compilation with Jim Gaffigan
(Jim Gaffigan, Aug. 30, 2020) Welcome, President J. Robinette Biden, only the second Catholic ever to hold the highest office in the nation, who chose Black Baptist Hindu Kamala ("Lotus," another name for the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi) Harris.

Cute Joey Biden, 10: altar boy?
The Vatican must be overjoyed, as well as the legacies in Camelot. Jim Gaffigan has told a Catholic joke or two in his day. Here are some of the best of them in a compilation. What do you think, What would the Pope's favorite joke be from this compilation?

streaming on Amazon
0:29 - "The Bible & Rules"
1:00 - "Shiite Catholic"
2:39 - "Confession"
2:57 - "Memorization"
3:08 - "Adam & Eve"
3:26 - "Catholic Mass"
4:09 - "Catholics & Protestants"
4:25 - "Big Families"
5:38 - "Pope"
6:54 - "Saints"
10:12 - "Opening for the Pope"
16:25 - "Holy Grail"
17:18 - "Future Pope"
18:12 - "Reading in Church"
19:09 - "Six Kids Catholic"
20:13 - "Barely Catholic"

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