Sunday, January 3, 2021

Deep bliss meditation: jhana (Michael Taft)

Michael Taft; Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Jen (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

How to Jhana — with Michael Taft
(Michael Taft, 6/12/20) Jhanas are states of deep meditative absorption that serve as a foundation for awakening practices like mindfulness and insight.

In this video meditation teacher Michael Taft describes what jhanas are and clarifies the basic steps for getting into the first absorption.

Jhanas are meant to be enjoyable, so it's very important not to approach jhana in a mood of grasping, tightness, struggle, or clinging. Don't "try," and don't work too hard! Instead, approach jhana in a mood of pleasure, joy, gratitude, kindness, and openness. 

Learning to enter jhana is an excellent way to supercharge insight or vipassana practice or to stabilize the mind/heart for nondual (dzogchen) awareness practices. 

0:03 - Introduction
1:24 - Setup for Jhana (focusing and allowing piti-bliss to arise)
9:16 - Entering the First Jhana (moving attention to the piti then resting until mental unification occurs)
12:39 - Three Things That Can Happen Next (including Second Jhana)
16:28 - How Jhana Can Change Your Life
20:49 - Books and Other Resources
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