Thursday, January 14, 2021

Getting high with Tom Hanks at Harvard (video)

10 Best Tom Hanks Movies to Get High To
Mr. Rita Wilson may be North America's favorite avuncular Illuminati actor, but back in the day, before Bosom Buddies, he played a convincing Hesher at Harvard. Thanks to Taxi for giving him one of his first big breaks, catching him at a time when he was still funny, less boorish and insufferable. Once in Hollywood, at an outdoor amphitheater next to the 101 Freeway, Rita was doing a production, and Tom attended. He took up nearly a whole row with no one sitting next to him on either side for many seats. My mom recognized him, and we wondered why he was there. In Hollywood, self-respecting locals do not ask for autographs. We had forgotten that he was Mr. Wilson. Wilson. Ha. Like that time he was skewered on Family Guy, showing up the real Hanks, too far gone to be redeemed in showbiz. And then there's dumb Forrest Dump.

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