Monday, January 4, 2021

How can business people meditate?

Contributor, Ashley Wells (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly; Felipe, Steph, Nick (
I'm the one who's been running around like an intoxicated nut, so I can stop when I will.
When I see things as they are, I smile and let go.
I'm in business, so how can I meditate? First, my time is valuable. "Time is money," it's profitable to act as if it is. I like convenient apps -- and coffee, speed, and alcohol. I call it "self medication," but it's really an artificial high followed by an artificial low. How do I get off the carousel? I stop, breathe, and stay still. It's nearly impossible, but it helps so much. So much that I can't imagine hiring anyone who doesn't do it. Our minds are mad, stark raving mad. We'd never know if we didn't stop, close our eyes, and attempt to pay attention. I put the coffee away and sip on roasted chicory root instead or MUD WTR to rejuvenate. I let alcohol go, realizing it had a bad grip on me. Being with the discomfort was the key. The feeling is. And I am. We're not the same thing! It will not control me, and if it doesn't, nothing does. I'm free. Time is free, no longer all about money-money...

Meditation for a better BUSINESS minded money maker (
Mindful and Modern
Business first. Hey, buy this cushion.
Mindful and Modern
is the website, and Felipe, Steph, and Nick are its founders. The three met in Thailand's second city and quickly bonded over the fact that they were independent business owners and expatriates. Soon after becoming friends, all were introduced to the practice of meditation. As entrepreneurs, they were familiar with the stress that running businesses brings. Meditation provides an incredible antidote. As their meditation journeys continue, they look for products they can incorporate into their practices. Most of what they first found was marketed towards "hippies" or extreme spiritual practitioners. While they have no problem with any form of meditation, they didn’t feel drawn to those types of products, so was born.

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