Tuesday, January 12, 2021

How to become a psychic "Superhuman" (doc)

Coast to Coast AM, 1/10/21; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Prove it to everyone by training to see without eyes, psychic abilities (superhumanfilm.com).

Caroline Cory (omniumuniverse.com)
Caroline Cory is a filmmaker, teacher, and author who has the superhuman power to perceive subtle energy.

She's had otherworldly encounters and joins Coast to Coast's Connie Willis to talk about her personal encounters and exploration of CONSCIOUSNESS, psychic (parapsychological) abilities, and altered states.

Cory describes once merging with light beings (devas in Buddhism) at the age of five, as if they were one stream of consciousness: "I was on this side of the veil," she claims, "and they were on the other side" as if she had entered one of many adjoining spiritual dimensions.

Superhuman (superhumanfilm.com)
Those light beings told her they would be with her throughout her life [like Abrahamic "guardian angels" or Dharmic accompanying karmically-connected attachments, our cohort and tribe through many rebirths].

They told her using telepathy to communicate by encoded symbols that are automatically deciphered by our minds, she further claims. We all have and already use this superhuman ability, she says, though few of us have conscious control of it until we are trained.

As portrayed in her new documentary Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible, she teaches people to perform actions while blindfolded -- activities typically requiring sight like reading and walking. Children are particularly adept at picking up these skills, she reports after training them and adults.

One of the techniques for doing so calls for accessing consciousness in place of the physical eyes. The visioning begins by the filling in of peripheral vision, Cory explains, adding that it can potentially help people who are sight-impaired.

She offers online classes in blindfold training, as well as telekinesis (moving thing using just the mind), spoon bending, and remote viewing. Spoon bending, she notes, is a way to demonstrate that consciousness and intention can indeed affect the physical world. More + AUDIO

Meditation and Consciousness Studies  (omniumuniverse.com)

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