Monday, January 18, 2021

Resisting police state in Thailand with rap

Rap Against Dictatorship; Kingdom of Luke; BBC News (BBC, 1/13/21); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Rap against Dictatorship: The rappers taking on Thailand's leaders
We prefer old conservative Yellow Shirts.
The music group "Rap Against Dictatorship" has its finger on the pulse of the youth in rebellious Theravada Buddhist Thailand, where many have been protesting for months against the corrupt military government and crumbling monarchy, demanding change. Radical Red Shirts still go against conservative cop-supporting Yellow Shirts. The band's lyrics and videos have shocked many in the establishment. The words have even led to their latest video being banned by YouTube. One member, known as Hockey, says the group is trying to highlight the problems with the political establishment -- both before the coup d'etat and after. BBC video by Daniel Bull, Nik Millard, Jonathan Head, Thanyarat Doksone, Ryn Jirenuwat, Miho Tanaka. More + VIDEO

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