Sunday, January 31, 2021

Protests in Russia: Putin's police state (video)

(Global News, Jan. 31, 2021) Russian "Robo Cop" Nazi police paratroopers use batons, jail over 1,000 at pro-Navalny/anti-Putin rally. More than 1,000 protesters were detained in St. Petersburg on Sunday as thousands gathered for a rally in support of Alexey Navalny.

Oh my Icon, he survived?! Oh sh*t. (Ya Libnan)
Riot police were seen using metal batons and electric shockers (cattle prods) against demonstrators. Some of them talked back or threw snowballs at police.

Navalny had called on his supporters to demonstrate after he was arrested on false charges last weekend when he returned to Russia from Germany for the first time since being poisoned.

Wife Yulia and Alexey Navalny (wiki)
The assassination attempt was on self-appointed "Czar" Putin's orders, and a nerve agent investigators say was slipped to Navalny by Russian state security agents in August.

The authorities had warned Russians to stay away from Saturday's demonstrations, saying they risked catching COVID-19 as well as prosecution and possible jail time for attending an unauthorized event.

But demonstrators defied the ban and, in at least one case in temperatures below -50 C, turned out in force. Leonid Volkov, a Navalny ally, called on them to do the same next weekend to try to free Navalny from what he called "the clutches of his killers." More
Russia arrests hundreds as crackdown on Navalny allies continues
(Al Jazeera English, Jan. 31, 2021) Russian police have detained more than 260 demonstrator as pro-change activists took to the streets across the country demanding the release of jailed hero, Kremlin critic, and former right wing politician Alexey Navalny.

There are "super soldiers" coming.
The first of Sunday’s protests took place in the Far East, including the port city of Vladivostok, where several dozen protesters gathered in the city’s central square despite police closing it off ahead of the rally. AJ's Aleksandra Godfroid reports live from Moscow.

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