Wednesday, January 20, 2021

All the promises Trump made (comedy)

The final full day of Donald Trump’s presidency
(Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jan. 19, 2021) Kimmel breaks down the final full day of the Trump presidency.

I never said I wasn't bald. I have a wig.
He talks about all the campaign promises he made and didn’t keep, the 100 pardons Trump is expected to hand out, Joe Exotic hoping to be on the list, whether or not all of this was worth it for Donald Trump, Mike Pence planning to attend J.R. Biden’s inauguration instead of Trump’s farewell party, Tiffany Trump’s perfectly timed engagement, discovering Rudy Giuliani voted with a provisional ballot months after discrediting such ballots, and Kimmel looks into his crystal ball to see what the future holds for the members of the Trump administration.

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