Saturday, January 23, 2021

Truth and Fiction Coronavirus (Gregg Braden)

(Gregg Braden Official, March 19, 2020) We're living in a new reality -- a new and evolving "[ab]normal" that has been triggered by fear of the media's pandemic of 2020. Braden built this brief and concise presentation to help us understand the catalyst for this global event [what some call a staged "plandemic" like previous attempts such as Bird Flu, Swine Flu, SARS, MERS, Ebola, etc.]: what it is, what it means for us, why we are "wired" for hectic times like these, and what we can expect in the months to come.
  • DISCLAIMER: Gregg Braden is no doctor and is in no way providing medical advice or suggestions of any kind whatsoever. Ask a heath care provider regarding adding any supplements or diet changes, exercises or life choices.
  • Amazing Facebook Live interview with London Reel

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