Thursday, February 4, 2021

Dance in the face of the Dictatorship (video)

Burmese P.E. Teacher Khing Hnin Wai dances at dictators
(PRN, Khing Hnin Wai, Feb. 2, 2021) Dictator Min Aung Hlaing dislikes a video trending (in Southeast Asia) by Daw Khing Hnin Wai, a physical education instructor.

Who dances now weathers the storm.
It shows military vehicles in the background as the coup d'etat begins. A battle line of paramilitary police, SUVs, trucks, and guns indicates that the military junta is taking over the Buddhist country of Burma, which the same dictators renamed "Myanmar." Suggested by PT. Ebony Delapan Belas.

The democratically elected president, members of the NLD (National League for Democracy), and Nobel Peace Laureate as well as State Counsellor of Burma Aung San Suu Kyi were taken into custody by SLORC (the State Law and Order Restoration Council) renamed the SPDC.

How can we understand this coup?
Mitch Jeserich, Letters & Politics, KPFA Radio, Berkeley
Part I: The Military Coup in Burma with Nyunt Than, chair of the Burmese American Democratic Alliance (BADA).

Part II: The Rights and Safety of the Rohingya with Robert McCaw, gov't affairs dept. director at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). AUDIO

Sometimes I'm hurt because I dance. Other times I dance because I'm hurt. Either way...
Why do the youth of a nation take up arms against their families and friends? Indoctrination.

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