Sunday, February 14, 2021

Medicinal Mushrooms: Human Clinical Trials

Robert Rogers (; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly

Medicinal mushrooms are of benefit to human health, optimizing immune health and reducing inflammation.

They show clinical efficacy in treating various cancers, cardiovascular and respiratory issues, diabetes, hepatitis, kidney disease, and numerous auto-immune conditions.

Forward thinking herbalists, medical doctors, oncologists, and pharmacists would like to use medicinal mushrooms but are looking for scientific proof.

Speaker: Herbalist Robert Rogers
Human clinical studies published in scientific and medical journals suggest medicinal mushrooms may be effective for a wide range of life-threatening conditions, including numerous "gold standard" double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized human clinical trials.

Both fruiting body (mushroom) and mycelium (fibrous root) products show efficacy in improving quality of life during chemotherapy and exposure to radiation, prolonging survival rates. More
Free online Valentine's Day Wild Mushroom Fair
9:00 am Fair Introduction
9:15 am Mushroom ID Table
10:15 am Auction and Merch
10:30 am Mushroom Growing Demo
11:15 am Informal Discussion
11:30 am Mushroom Vendor Links
11:45 am Keynote Speaker Robert Rogers
1:00 pm Online Store
1:15 pm Mushroom ID Table
2:15 pm Auction Update
2:30 pm Mushroom Cooking Demo
3:10 pm Mushroom Discussion
3:30 pm Art and Photo Contest
4:00 pm Fair closes

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