Thursday, February 25, 2021

Psychic super powers: Telekinesis (video)

Magic is mocked in the mainstream media (Disney's Fantasia with magician Mickey Mouse)

Stan Lee Superhumans: Real Telekinesis?
(Guy Bavli, 1/9/14) Guy Bavli is a mind bending "Kinetic Man." Stan Lee had a show, "Superhumans," and one episode featured Guy Bavli, Master of the Mind, whose telekinetic power makes him able to move objects with his mind. This is the demonstration of telekinesis or PK (psychokinesis), the mental or magic power of affecting things with the mind.

Behold! I never claimed to be a magician.
Guy Bavli claims that he has never claimed to have supernatural powers but that Stan Lee's show created a voiceover to make it sound like he did claim that.

He also claims he has never claimed to have any real powers. Instead, he uses lots of techniques he learned and developed over many years to create what others call telekinesis.

What does Guy Bavli call it? He answers by saying that he "believes" in psychology, physiology, intuition, the power of the subconscious, positive thinking, quantum physics, and mind magic [and, one assumes, magnetism].

But all of it is done to entertain, inspire, and motivate [and not to get rich, famous, or notorious]. Learn more about Guy Bavli at Guy Bavli's site about Guy Bavli:

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