Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Stargates, Aliens, Portals, Inner Earth (video)

Ancient Civilizations: Stargates, Ancient Aliens, Portals, and Inner Earth with Graham Hancock
(The 5th Kind/GAIA.com, Jan. 6, 2021) The 5th Kind has been fortunate enough to work alongside Gaia for the past few years, bringing amazing content from Gaia's series "Ancient Civilizations" featuring high-profile guests such as:
  • Graham Hancock
  • Linda Moulton Howe
  • Jack Cary
  • Anton Parks
  • Billy Carson
  • Gregg Braden
  • Freddy Silva
  • Shawn Stone
  • Jonathan Young
  • Andrew Collins
  • and others!
Tower of Babel: Legends tell us that language once unified all of humanity, but a detrimental blunder led to this once-unifying force becoming a means of mass confusion. Beyond the Judeo-Christian biblical account, researchers have found that most modern languages do indeed stem from a single matrix language. 

An intricate collection of tunnels and cave systems throughout the American Southwest have been used for ancient sacred ceremonies and modern military programs. It's time to piece together Hopi and Zuni folklore with eyewitness accounts to unlock the secrets of the Four Corners and its history of extraterrestrial influences.

Is there an ancient code that points the way to Inner Earth (Shambhala, Shangri-la, Middle Earth) civilizations like Agartha and Patala? The oral tradition of ancient indigenous cultures throughout the world (Tibetan, Bhutanese, Central Asian, Mongolian, Nepalese Buddhist, Native American, and others) all point to ancient advanced civilizations thriving deep under our Earth's surface.

Was Göbekli Tepe built as a sacred interstellar portal connecting the people of Earth with extraterrestrial civilizations?

Denisovans: They Might Be Giants - Is there a kernel of truth in ancient legends of giants (asuras, titans)?

Lost Cities Beneath the Ocean: Arcane accounts from Ancient Sumer, Egypt, Greece, and Rome tell similarly startling stories of the oceanic destruction of advanced civilizations [like Plato's Atlantis] that vanished into the world’s oceans to be forgotten by the ravages of time.

This documentary has been created using clips from the Gaia series Ancient Civilizations and is licensed and brought about by a partnership with Gaia.com. Topics in the video include: portals (doorways) to other parts of the universe intricately placed in astronomical alignment, which may have been used to open pathways to farther reaches of the universe, permitting entry points for entities from other worlds and/or dimensions.

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