Friday, February 12, 2021

SUTRA: Clinging to Sensual Pleasures (1)

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven (eds.), Kāmesu Satta Sutra: "Clinging to Sensual Pleasures (1)," based on Ven. Thanissaro (trans.),, Wisdom Quarterly

My heart, my heart! What harm in cupidity?
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One (the Buddha) was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta's Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's monastery.

On that occasion the people of Sāvatthī were excessively attached to sensual pleasures.

They were living infatuated with them, greedy for them, addicted to them, clinging to them, obsessed with sensual pleasures.

Early one morning a large number of wandering ascetics (Buddhist monastics) dressed and. carrying robes and bowls. went into Sāvatthī for alms. 

When they returned, after their meal of alms, they approached the Blessed One, bowed, and sat respectfully to one side.

As they sat near him, they remarked: "Most of the people in Sāvatthī are excessively attached to sensual pleasures, living infatuated, greedy, addicted, clinging, and obsessed with them."

Realizing the significance of what they said, the Blessed One exclaimed:

Clinging to sensual pleasures
Attached to sensual bonds
Seeing no blame in this fetter
Never will those trapped by this fetter,
This bond, cross over the flood wide and deep.

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