Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"The Conservative Buddhist" (video)

Grinds My Gears: Coronavirus
(The Real Life Peter Griffin, 5/19/20) Guest starring Mandy Kitana as The Real Life Lois Griffin, and Anya Winchester as The Real Life Meg Griffin. Video shot and edited by Rob Franzese.

This is a white male country for whites, Swamp!
Are all conservatives all bad? They can't be. Conservatism (particularly Red-State Republicanism) may have its problems -- endemic sexism, racism, regressive views about an ideal past that never really existed, hypocrisy, disaster capitalism, Abrahamic fundamentalism, and what not...

But surely the people, some of the people, are alright, which is not to say Alt-Right. Like what about Jason? He's a Buddhist. And what about all those communism-hating, capitalism-loving Vietnamese-Americans and Chinese in conservative Orange County? They're Buddhists.

I lean to the Right. Who's Jason?
So, not only for humor but in the interest of fairness, debate, critical thinking, doubting, questioning, and building a better worldview about what's real, we're launching a new feature: "The Conservative Buddhist."

A pair of our editors already seem conservative-light, slightly regressive, fiscally if not socially, and overall police-loving, government-distrusting, capitalism-loving, xenophobia-suffering solid guys.

Send complaints, compliments, and personal SUBMISSIONS to the comments section below if YOU would like a voice but feel Wisdom Quarterly as it is is too radical, liberal, progressive, or wishy-washy for your current taste. The question is, What grinds your gears?

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