Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Trial of Trump begins. Will Senate convict?

"Don't forget; This guy's awful but he's only a symptom!"

Second impeachment trial of Ex-Pres. Don Trump begins today
(MSNBC, Morning Joe, Feb. 9, 2021) Trump's second impeachment trial began Tuesday, and the Morning Joe panel breaks down what to expect. Aired on 2/9/21.

Candidate Joe Biden promised that if elected "nothing will fundamentally change."

GOP Senators want to "move on" from Trump's second impeachment trial: A Closer Look
(Late Night with Seth Meyers, 2/8/21) Meyers takes a closer look at former Pres. Trump’s second impeachment trial -- a second chance to hold him accountable for his crimes and to shine a national spotlight on the decay of the GOP and the country's democratic institutions.

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