Thursday, February 11, 2021

Trump's trial live: Life in the StupidVerse

CBS Day 3WashPo Day 2; Tom Tomorrow (; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

(Washington Post) Impeachment Hearing Day 2
We are somewhat alike, aren't we?
Guilty, guilty, guilty! But will they be able to convict? Did then Pres. Trump get due process, does he have the right to yell "fire" at an armed crowd he invited and incited (free speech for commanders in chief), can a government official be held accountable for what he did in office to stay in office no matter who gets killed (about five people and counting, with thousands maimed, injured, and/or traumatized), and does the Senate get to decide since this is not a judicial trial? It sure looks like it.

I'll soon be broke! Send me money.
There's a reason why Don John's first batch of lawyers all quit on him. All they can do is obfuscate and pander to the Republicans to do the wrong thing to advance their side of the aisle. The Democrats can only shame 45 in the eyes of the public, which includes many shameless Trump advocates no matter what crimes or corruption he's ever been involved in. Is he a Christian, an honest businessman, a truth teller. No, no, and no. Today it looked like he's guilty and going to be convicted. But how will it look when his new lawyers rebut tomorrow? Still guilty and off the hook due to partisanship. Meanwhile, pornographer Larry Flynt, 78, just died because his heart gave out...and somehow Trump's keeps pumping long enough to be repeatedly dragged before lawyers and judges.

What would Trump, a buffoonish liar, say in his defense if his lawyers let him testify on his own behalf?

Anti-racists protest joke clown racist Trump (AP).
"Man, this is stupid! I didn't do nuthin. And you can't prove any of it.

I have the right to my free speech if you're president and have a platform. Where does Twitter come off deplatforming me? So what if I incited riots in DC. It's the Swamp!

The presidential transition is going well, well, as well as can be expected (TMW)
I'm starting a new social media channel, one named after me: Twit.  (Oh, wait. no I'm not. That was just another false promise that would cost me money if I kept it).

They better stop this trial before someone gets hurt, namely, me. I won't stand for it. I'm getting thrown out of Mar-a-Lago because Florida says I signed something. Rudy Giuliani is mad at me because I won't pay him. New York is prosecuting me.

No one in California will support me. This used to me my world, my reality, my universe!!! Now it's been taken back. Go to sleep, America, go to sleep. What a dull ride we're in for when we all stop paying attention to politics because of Pres. Hillary Biden.

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