Monday, February 22, 2021

What is animal liberation? (video)

PETA suggestions of great vegan movies; Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

THE ANIMAL PEOPLE is available for streaming on Netflix and YouTube. Joaquin Phoenix, who supports PETA, served as executive producer for "The Animal People," which tells the story of six animal activists who were targeted by the FBI for exposing one of the world’s largest animal-testing labs.
(But isn't animal testing good because it saves humans? No, it does not save humans. It merely protects pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies from being sued. The first humans to use a product pre-tested on animals are the guinea pigs, the real test subjects. But they can't sue because the corporations can put out those animal test they tortured animals to cover themselves with and say, "Well, sorry you were injured, but these animal test say our product was safe. Sorry." Animal testing necessitates human testing and is done for legal reasons not ethical ones, not health ones, not safety ones).

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