Monday, February 1, 2021

What makes people gay? Ads or karma?

Stephen investigates juice commercials that "make people gay"
(Keira Tota, 11/6/20) Remember when Stephen Colbert was funny? He was hilarious on Strangers with Candy and The Daily Show, making for a funnier sidekick than a host. Here he skewers a man on a mission on the right. ► When? Original air date of this The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was 6/11/2001.

Karma matters.
But, seriously, what is the cause of sexual orientation, homosexuality, homosexual tendencies,  heterosexuality, heterosexual tendencies, pandakas ("deviants," "perverts," flamboyant flaunters of sexual or gender conventions of their time), bisexuality, psychological androgyny, physical androgyny, and so on? It would have to be said that it is karma (actions, past and present, capable of bearing results and fruits called vipaka and phala. That doesn't seem very satisfying as an answer. A better question might be, What in specific causes our sexual orientation? Some teachers say it is having oppressed others for their perceived or actual orientation in the past. After all, what we do to others comes back to us.

🤷🏻‍♀️KARMA: deeds (mental, verbal, or physical actions) motivated by intention capable of bearing their results in the future, like a seed ripening into a plant and more seeds.

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