Tuesday, February 23, 2021

What's happening in Burma? (video)

What’s happening in Burma (police state)?
Burma's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi
(Start Here, AJ English, Feb. 14, 2021) The military junta in Burma has detained pro-Democracy activist and tainted Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and deposed her government. The dictator-generals accuse Suu Kyi and her party, the NLD or National League for Democracy, of election fraud for winning in a landslide that left the military with little legitimate electoral power. So they took illegitimate power by the principle of "might makes right," not unlike the rightwing Trump administration's power grab in the Capitol Riots last month. So how did Burma get here, and what’s next for the Buddhist country’s young democracy?

Now it is 1984, knock-knock at your front door
Authoritarian surveillance: 1984
(WQ) Burma is literally where the novelist George Orwell was living as he conceived of his famous dystopian work, Nineteen Eighty-Four.

This and England (because Burma was a colony of England) is where Big Brother was always watching. the propaganda of the "Ministry of Truth" was always being manufactured and disseminated, and the Thought Police were everywhere looking for any inkling of dissent.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Now is the time for revolution, following the time when Buddhist monks rose up against a despotic government in what came to be called the "Saffron Revolution."

From ethnic cleansing to military coup
What the generals did to a Burmese ethnic minority called the Rohingya (with the tacit approval of the majority of ethnic Burmans, who say these Muslims are not Burmese at all but long time interlopers from the British colonial period of WW II), it is now doing to ethnic Burmans and the majority of the population:

The “ethnic cleansing” of Burma’s Rohingya Muslims explained
(Vox.com, 9/25/17) The Rohingya have been systematically driven out by the Burmese (Myanmar) government, leading to the fastest growing humanitarian crisis in recent years.

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