Sunday, February 14, 2021

Zen sesshin online (Great Vow Monastery)

Great Vow Zen Monastery (; CC Liu and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Great Vow Sunday Program
(Great Vow Zen Monastery) Enjoy the live stream of the Sunday morning Zen sesshin ("intensive meditation") inside Oregon's Great Vow Zen Monastery.

What does zen mean?
Refuge: What if there were a Zen garden online?
Zen is the Japanese word for jhana, Sanskrit dhyana, Chinese chan. It literally means "basic meditation" (mental cultivation, the development of single-pointed concentration, the settling of the mind/heart as if it were muddy water in a glass that on its own settles to reveal perfect clarity when we simply let it sit without disturbing it all by expectations, doings, or thoughts), unification of mind (samadhi), the cultivation of serenity. Of course, Zen (capitalized) is a Mahayana Buddhist tradition that developed in Shinto Japan, which is the indigenous priestly tradition that deals with kami (shapeshifting spirit goblins) that possess what in Buddhism is called the "power of transformation."

Register for LIVE sesshin: Great Vow Zen Monastery online, Oregon

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