Friday, March 19, 2021

B.Y.O.B. (SOAD) Burma's resistance (video)

BBCSystem of a Down "B.Y.O.B."; DWPfc. Sandoval, S. Auberon, A. Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Dozens killed in Burma protests as police shoot their guns at civilian crowds and beat a medical team
(BBC News, 3/3/21) The United Nations says at least 38 people have been killed during pro-democracy protests in Buddhist Burma in the worst day of violence since the military coup last month. Riot police opened fire on large crowds of demonstrators in several cities across the Southeast Asian country despite growing international condemnation. BBC News at Ten Huw Edwards presents, reporting by Southeast Asia correspondent Jonathan Head.
Now it is 1984 (George Orwell)
What looks like an "it'll never happen here" nightmare in the U.S., as depicted in this System of a Down video, "B.Y.O.B.," is real. It will happen here. It already has, several times (BLM, Occupy, George Floyd, the Los Angeles Uprising, civil rights demonstrations, Black Wall Street, when the U.S. military helped racist Whites barrel bomb a prosperous Black city, and almost no one knows that history).
  • NOTE: British Burma is what George Orwell was writing about, which is where he was born and lived serving in the British military, the classic Nineteen Eighty-Four. He also wrote Burmese Days and Animal Farm to express the horrors of totalitarianism and dictators.

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