Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Altered states of meditation: Drugs

Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation) (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Buddhist tantric yogi does fire (tummo) practice.
In Stealing Fire two best-selling authors explore altered states of consciousness to discover how they can ignite passion, fuel creativity, and accelerate problem-solving in a groundbreaking book in the vein of Drive and Smarter Faster Better.
  • Why has generating the "flow state" and getting into "the zone" become the goal of elite organizations?
  • Why are business moguls attending Burning Man fest?
  • Why has meditation become a billion-dollar industry?
  • Why are technology gurus turning to natural drugs called entheogens (psychedelic, i.e., "mind-making" substances) to unlock creativity?
Kindle audiobook, German, Chinese
All of these people are seeking to shift their state of mind as a way of unlocking their full potential.

Altered states, the authors reveal, sharpen our decision-making capabilities, unleash creativity, fuel cooperation (hive mentality), and let us tap in to levels of inspiration and innovation unavailable at all other times.

Stealing Fire combines cutting-edge research and firsthand reporting to explore a revolution in human performance -- a movement of millions to harness and utilize some of the most misunderstood and controversial experiences in history.

Building a bridge between the extreme and the mainstream, this groundbreaking and provocative book examines how the world's top performers -- Navy SEALS, Googlers, Fortune 100 CEOs -- are using altered states to radically accelerate performance and massively improve their lives. It tells us how we can, too.

Stealing Fire is a book about what's possible for ourselves and our species when we unlock the full potential of the human mind. More

Who said anything about DRUGS like ayahuasca (a DMT-rich Native American tea)? Lakhiani did:

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