Friday, March 12, 2021

Minn to pay $27 million for killing George Floyd

Flowers for deceased George Floyd, victim of police racism (Chandan Khanna/AFP/Getty)

Minneapolis reaches $27 million pre-trial settlement with family of George Floyd
Hey, I should get some of that money! I killed...
(NPR) Minneapolis, Minnesota will pay a record sum to the family of murdered dead Black man George Floyd, who sued the city and police officers over his May 2020 death in police custody that was caught on video for all to see. The killer, as seen in the video, is ringleader Officer Derek Chauvin, who ordered three underlings to abet him. This is the largest payout in U.S. history. More

Fox News' Tucker Carlson says Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose, not a knee to the neck by an avowed racist cop intent on squeezing the life out of a person he knew at worked with as a bouncer on his off hours, when he wasn't carrying a badge and a gun enforcing Minneapolis' form of street justice. Will young Breonna Taylor's killing by police be treated with as much concern as Floyd?

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