Friday, March 26, 2021

Spring: Mushroom Hunt Herb Walk (3/27/21)

Chris Nyerges, Xochitl, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
It looks like a magic psilocybin mushroom. Is it?
It's the first day of spring! What better thing to do than plan an herb walk? Los Angeles, the land of the Native American Tongva (Kizh) people, the area's original inhabitants, is full of herbs and mushrooms of all kinds. They serve as food, medicine and, according to Paul Stamets (, mushrooms will be what saves the planet. They were the first plants.

It's time to get out into Nature to see and feel.
Our guides will be Native American Xochitl and plant expert, outdoorsman, and author Christopher Nyerges (website). $20. Bring water, snack, basket, and a poem. We'll be sampling many of the delicious-nutritious and medicinal herbs we gather in a big salad.

Foraging Wild Edibles Plants
Learn about the indigenous people of L.A. and their practices, trekking in the woods along the foothills on an "Easter Egg" (Spring Shroom) hunt? We'll read from "Alice in Wonderland" and Healing with Medicinal Plants of the West by local Native shaman Cecilia Garcia and USC Professor James Adams.
Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants (Chris Nyerges)

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