Friday, April 23, 2021

Biden privatizing, NOT ending, US-Afghan War

Jimmy Dore (; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Endless U.S. war (
The forever war to continue under Joe "Back to Business as Usual" Biden. Far from pulling the USA out of its longest war, our New Vietnam quagmire in Afghanistan, is merely privatizing the war effort.

We will pay "private contractors" (mercenaries, soldiers of fortune, former military men) about $100,000+ per year to kill and destabilize the region.

Told you so, you Stupids. Pizza Gate! QAnon!
President Joey makes the previous guy look good, lying about it, bragging about being out of Afghanistan by 9/11 of 2021.

Afghans were already upset that he had previously committed to leaving the country by May 1st.

Hillary Clinton must by rubbing her spidery mitts together in glee. Warmongers, war profiteers, Bush lovers, this is the Deep State, the long termers in DC that do not turn over every four years are still in power, pulling the strings from behind the scenes... They live in the swamp that rules the world.

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