Saturday, April 3, 2021

Business over Covid lockdown: Tinhorn Flats

Despite arrest for cutting city lock, Tinhorn Flats vows to fight on
How can one business stand up to Big Brother?
There’s been another twist in the ongoing [Big Brother versus] Tinhorn Flats Restaurant saga in Burbank, California this week.

The Western-themed bar and restaurant has been a focal point for anti-lockdownanti-mask types for many months now, as owner Baret Lepejian and his family have continually sought to operate onsite and without permits throughout much of the pandemic and related lockdowns, despite being fined and told on numerous occasions to shut down by L.A. County public health and City of Burbank officials.

(The Real Peter Griffin) What Really Grinds My Gears: Coronavirus
(The Conservative Buddhist agrees with Peter, but not on this one!)

Now what? (Los Angeles Magazine)
Last night, Burbank police arrested Baret’s 20-year-old son Lucas Lepejian for “failing to follow a court order,” according to My Burbank, just one day after using a saw to cut through the padlock the city placed on the front of the restaurant.

The City of Burbank previously cut power, water, and gas lines to the business for continuing to act against the County’s public health order. While on-site dining (and even limited-capacity indoor dining) has since returned to L.A. County, Tinhorn Flats has been seating unmasked customers for months, drawing the ire of city and county officials, though Burbank police have previously been loathe to intercede.

Civil disobedience is our right and obligation.
Most recently, the City of Burbank red-tagged the building as being unsafe for use after the Lepejian family reportedly rigged up an unsafe power source into the building to keep the restaurant running. More

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