Friday, April 30, 2021

Expansion of Buddhism from India to SE Asia

Angkor Wat is the Buddhist-Hindu temple complex at heart of massive Cambodian jungle city

Borobudur, world's largest Buddhist temple
(Gunawan Kartapranata) The Indosphere or "Greater India" historically saw the expansion of Buddhism into Southeast Asia.  Hinduism also expanded through parts of Asia but not beyond, from its heartland on the Indian subcontinent. In particular, it never caught on in China or Central Asia (ancient Gandhara), where Buddhism became the dominant tradition. Hinduism did spread to Southeast Asia, particularly Cambodia's Angkor (massive Angkor Wat complex) and Indonesia (site of Borobudur, the world's largest excavated Buddhist temple), circa 1st century. It was marked by the establishment of early Buddhist-Hindu settlements and polities in Southeast Asia: Map.

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