Thursday, April 1, 2021

HATE? Hammer Smashed Face (death metal)

Chris Barnes and Cannibal Corpse via Kratos, April 1, 2021; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

(Kratos) In a frenzy of hate, or in Buddhist terms dosa/dvesha (aversion), kids "release a little aggression" in a wild mosh pit at an American grindcore/death metal show. It's Cannibal Corpse with a Chris "Six Feet Under" Barnes' super hit song in the genre, "Hammer Smashed Face," presented in HD with replacement singer George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher from the DVD Global Evisceration, released in 2011 by Metal Blade Records.

(Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) Jim Carrey, on the run, runs into the original Cannibal Corpse lineup.

What is hate?
I hate this stupid pandemic lockdown masking!
What is "hate"? The Buddhist technical term dosa (Sanskrit dvesha) or "aversion" refers to the whole range of dislike from annoyance to fear to revulsion. All of these are dosa.

When we desire/crave (lobha) and something frustrates us, we usually respond with aversion. We "hate" what stands in our way. We have passion and aversion, and both are rooted in the greatest defilement of all: delusion (moha) or ignorance.

These three roots or Three Poisons of the heart and mind are the source of our unfortunate karma and, consequently, our subsequent suffering and pain. They are the immediate cause as well. Whatever arises now, if we respond with any of these three, we will experience distress, disappointment, and dukkha.

So it is far better to abandon them and make "right effort" by cultivating the opposite three virtues of nongreed, nonhatred, and nondelusion (alobha, adosa, amoha).

(DVD) The deleted scene contained much more "Hammer Smashed Face"

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