Tuesday, April 27, 2021

How we Hide our U.S. Empire (video)

NWU Prof. Daniel Immerwahr (CHF); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Uncle Sam lectures the Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Cuba (Louis Dalrymple cartoon).

How to Hide an [American] Empire
(Chicago Humanities Festival, 11/25/19) Ask Americans to draw a connection between the words “America” and “colonies,” and most will conjure up revolutionary images of 1776.

American Empire: 10,000 miles wide
But the USA’s imperial-colonial history extends much further back than the 18th century.

It involves a different power dynamic, one in which America was the colonizer exploiting others not the colonized victim of England or other white European powers like Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands.

(Jimmy Dore, Aaron Mate, Ron PlaconeJeopardy reveals US hypocrisy.

Uncle Sam (USA) imperialism: 1940 comic propaganda
For example, in 1945 the USA claimed jurisdiction over more human beings living outside the States than inside them.

In How to Hide an Empire, Northwestern University Professor Daniel Immerwahr traces the crucial and oft-obscured role that US overseas territories have played in the development of the nation empire.

From island-colonies to military bases, Prof. Immerwahr illuminates America’s evolving influence  and hegemony abroad (particularly in the Philippines), giving crucial context for contemporary American foreign policy.
This CHF program is presented in partnership with the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities. Recorded on Oct. 27, 2019 (chicagohumanities.org). Support: supportchf.org.

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