Monday, April 5, 2021

Love "addiction"? Relationship advice self-help

Jef Gazley, LMFT (AskTheInternetTherapist); Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Is My Relationship Healthy?
Love addiction usually involves a pattern of frequent relationships that often begin with intense passion and which end relatively quickly.

Intensity is what drives the addictive relationship, not reality. Even when dating someone who is safe, stable, and appropriate, s/he often becomes steadily more dissatisfied and anxious -- bored and fearful of being trapped with the wrong person.

Mature love is about intimacy, whereas addictive love is about intensity for intensity’s sake.

It's intense, so intense, it must be right!
Often in our Western (and North American) culture, there is a feeling that our partners owe us something. The fact is that no one owes us anything.

Each of us is a separate human being. To understand relationships one has to look at how people develop and begin to individuate (become individuals).

When individuation occurs, need lessens and healthy "want" replaces that "need" (neediness, clinging, or in Buddhist terms tanha).

Couples feel less beholden and can truly give voluntarily. As a result of insecure attachments in childhood, love addicts may lack confidence and a sense of self.

In adolescence or adulthood, they may feel insecure in their bonds with other people and struggle to establish appropriate boundaries.

The relationship and love advice in this educational DVD aims at giving love and relationship advice that will help to make relationships more intimate and healthy.

"Love Addiction – Is My Relationship Healthy?" focuses on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of love addiction and unhealthy relationships.

Learning to take emotional care of the self lessens the feeling of obligation and paradoxically often leads to the other person wanting to give more freely.

This psychology video offers one (1) NBCC-approved CE clock hour.
  • Click here to download a copy of the Love Addiction educational video. It's faster and less expensive!
  • See a sample of this Love and Sex Addiction Psychology Video. ISBN-10: 1-933154-04-7 ISBN-13: 9781933154046
Comment about this psychology video by a therapist:

Is your love relationship healthy? Learn the difference between healthy and an unhealthy love. Has PTSD or have feelings of abandonment made you clingy and nervous without your significant other present? This self-help DVD demonstrates the cycle of love, with proper boundaries. You'll learn that you deserve a healthy form of love, if only you knew the difference. More

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