Friday, April 23, 2021

Restoring Connection to Earth: Permaculture

Starhawk (; Kelly Ani, CC Liu, Ashley Wells  (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Caroline Casey is not a transsexual or transgender voice, though it may sound like it.

Caroline Casey of the "Visionary Activist Show" (rebroadcast on KPFK in Los Angeles after KPFA in Berkeley) talks to Starhawk about her permaculture design and ritual of renewal event in the Bay Area for Earth Day.

It's the wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with mansplaining Host Casey.

Hey, if we're going to be neo-hippies, free love?
(Coyote Network News) The Visionary Activist Show is replayed 2:00-3:00 AM on KPFK 90.7 FM (where it's available to listen to free for 90 days at under Roy of Hollywood Tuckman's Something's Happening Show). is in fund drive mode again.
Tuckman's show is in danger of going extinct as the national Pacifica Foundation looks for ways to cut corners to deal with a budget shortfall that means the end of "Buddhist Radio" on Sunday mornings with Alan Watts at 8:00 AM and Thursdays at midnight. Somethings Happening airs Monday-Thursday, midnight to dawn.
  • Permaculture over agriculture is the way of the...
    What in the world is "permaculture" (PC)? Unlike unsustainable mono-cropping (MC) agriculture and land exploitation by giants like Monsanto (Bayer) Corporation, PC seeks to raise plants in a natural way, free of pesticides and top-soil eroding practices. It's a permanent solution that looks back at traditional methods that served humanity for millennia. Even the woodland devas (bhumi-devis) get involved when called upon like they were on unsuitable land converted (restored) to a rich ecosystem called Findhorn. Nature provides if humans but work with it.
  • At home in raised beds, we like vegan organic gardening
"Magical Activism"
In Starhawk's second year of her Magical Activism series, she hones magical skills to divine, discern, and envision what's needed and desired for ourselves and the world. We must heal, face grief and loss, understand and undo patterns of abuse, and find allies that support our strength and resilience. More

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