Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Daily Life of a Buddhist Monk (video)

The Daily Life of a Monk (documentary)
(Nick Keomahavong, May 17, 2020) Ever wonder about the routine of a monk in Theravada Buddhist Thailand? Wandering ascetics, hermits, monastics, what do they do on a daily basis?

Golden Buddhas of Theravada Thailand
These are questions I get asked all the time. This video gives a glimpse of what it's like to be a Buddhist monk at the Papae Meditation Retreat Center in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand.

The Buddhist monk's daily schedule consists of going on alms round in the village, doing chores as a mindfulness practice, engaging in formal meditation, and chanting sutras and protections.

The monk's life is soft paced so we have time to reflect and contemplate. As is frequently heard, "This life is simple, but not easy." Taking the time to train one's mind/heart is not easy. So here is the daily monastic life.

Dhammakaya: mass Buddhist meditation movement, centered in Bangkok by airport

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