Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Who's Q? Filmmaker uncovers QAnon (CNN)

Cullen Hoback (CNN); Jim Jefferies (CC); Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Who is Q of QAnon? A government whistleblower or conspiracy? (NBC News)

Mainstream media tries to explain away Q.
The American version of CNN (as distinct from the international version) is pretty much the CIA, it is said by some in the know. So take this "reporting" as biased propaganda more than honest journalism. What is Q? The approved editors at Wikipedia insist it is a "disproven and discredited American far-right conspiracy theory" that alleges that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping [1], mostly Democrats and prominent Republicans like George Bush, cannibalistic pedophiles and child sex traffickers (like Hillary Clinton, Podesta the Molester, accused sex criminal Joe Biden, and other prominent names like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein) was running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against former U.S. President Don John Trump while he was in office [2][3][4][5], QAnon is commonly called a cult [6][7][8] that a lot of Republicans and Libertarians back and like. More

Filmmaker says he potentially uncovered man ("Q") behind QAnon
(CNN, April 6, 2021) CNN's Anderson Cooper speaks to Director Cullen Hoback about his HBO documentary series "Q: Into The Storm" on potentially uncovering "Q" of QAnon. HBO is a part of CNN's parent company WarnerMedia.

Making fun of Q for the mainstream (CC)

(Comedy Central) Comedian Jim Jefferies skewers QAnon "conspiracy theorists" by making them look bad -- distilling a longer interview down to absurdity -- so we can all laugh. And by laughing we can ignore crucial facts that suggest there's something to what's being alleged. Q's revelations are so dangerous that the CIA, FBI, NSC, NSA, and other alphabets have deployed their power to cover up and discredit believers.

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