Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Why I love my CAR (video)

Chris Fix; T.S.O.L.; Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Men get the last word. Really? Yes, dear.
Men are stupid. Just ask Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson or Al Bundy. Which is not to say women aren't. We're all our own way. Like, what's "female porn"? Stupid sappy, sentimental hero worship, romance novels, rom-coms, and fantasies of being princesses waiting for princes on white ponies. For men, it's easier to see what's stupid: "Man porn" is porn. And there's a strange obsession with reliable inanimate objects invested with personal mojo or spirit -- an animistic world of machines. There's a ghost in the machine, and we put it there, investing objects with our obsessive attention. It's stupid. But there's something to it. You usually have to be one of one gender or another to get it. I mean, as stupid as it is, it's real, at least in terms of how we relate to our tools and terms of art. It's easier to personalize everything, to animate everything with spirit, to name things that have no need of names.

(T.S.O.L./True Sounds of Liberty) Seminal (lol) Los Angeles punk rock ditty: "Man and Machine"

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