Sunday, April 4, 2021

World's Most Dangerous Roads: India Journeys

Free Documentary 2011, Feb. 2, 2020; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

World's Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in India
Benares (ancient Varanasi, the Hindu and Buddhist holy city along the Ganges river) is, in fact, India’s holiest town. It is the final destination for millions of pilgrims.

They come from all over the country, making the difficult, dangerous journey to bathe in the sacred river Ganges (and be cremated there on the ghats, "steps into the river," or have their carcasses tossed into to float down and out into the ocean).

For some, this will be the last journey they ever make. According to Hindu mythology, the souls* of the bodies cremated here will avoid the cycles of rebirth (samsara) in the human and lower worlds and go directly to a paradise in the deva or brahma planes of existence.
  • [*Atta or atmanGandhabbas or aggregate consciousness-process as an aggregate identified as a permanent "self" surviving death without actually being a self or atman surviving for two consecutive moment.]
Every day, hundreds of corpses are brought here by their families to be cremated over funeral pyres. Thousands of tons of coal and wood are needed to keep the fires burning and a busy "coal-route" has developed.

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